Friday, December 9, 2016


This week students focused on making up missing assignments for their core classes. Mentees worked with their mentors to talk to teachers and to create a plan on how they can complete missing work before they enter finals week.
On Tuesday we did a lesson called, "Recognizing Hate Speech". Students discussed what is hate speech and how is this different than freedom of speech? We discussed how sometimes freedom of speech can be considered bullying. We looked at examples like SNL (Saturday night live) vs racial slurs and jokes.  Students reflected on their jokes and how they will try to be more aware of their audience and promote a community where hate speech is not tolerable.

In engagement center many of the students are caught up with their school work and are going into finals with excellent grades. Today, students used the day to relax and to participate

in a chess tournament. Overall, this was great week!

Engagement center chess tournament 

Homework support days 

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