Friday, March 3, 2017

2/27/2017- 3/2/17

I am

This week students worked on on their " I Am" poems as well as presented their poems to classmates. I was very impressed with their final product.  Through their poems students were able to voice who they are, what they want in life, and what is on their minds.

Also this week we worked on homework and missing assignments. This week a mentor leader helped a mentor with his mentee because he is failing almost every class. One day on their own time a  mentor leader and a mentor helped a mentee develop a plan on how he can get his grades up. I was very proud to hear that these student met up on their free time to make sure the mentee would be successful. I am also proud that this particular mentee was taking the initiative and was being accountable for his school work.

To wrap up the week the mentor leaders on main campus will continue the discussion on accountability and will have students work together to reflect on the excuses they use in their everyday lives, and how they can be more accountable for their actions. In engagement center we will begin discussing boundaries. We will reflect on spoken and unspoken agreements, By the end of this lesson students should be able to  determine if some of the unspoken agreements in their lives are working for them. Overall, it was another successful week here at North,

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