Friday, December 16, 2016

Dec 12- 16th

This week students prepared for finals by using YESS  time to support one another. It was great to hear mentors asking other mentors for calculus help, and mentess asking their mentors to review and edit a paper. Students really went into finals being as best prepared as possible.

At the beginning of the week the North mentor leaders did presentations on DACA. Leonel went to a conference at Metro state called "Here To Stay".  He went representing YESS. He took many notes and complied the information he got into a presentation for students. Maybe some students are undocumented and are not sure if they should continue to apply for DACA. Maybe there is a student in class who has a friend  or family member that is thinking about doing DACA. Now they are wondering "Should I"? Leonel broke it down to students about what can happen to DACA come January since it is an executive order.  We talked about other programs that support undocumented students and schools in Colorado that allow students to go on in-state tuition.

Students enjoyed breakfast burritos provided by YESS and took some time to eat, relax, and study!
Breakfast burritos and Juice! 

DACA presentation 

Friday, December 9, 2016


This week students focused on making up missing assignments for their core classes. Mentees worked with their mentors to talk to teachers and to create a plan on how they can complete missing work before they enter finals week.
On Tuesday we did a lesson called, "Recognizing Hate Speech". Students discussed what is hate speech and how is this different than freedom of speech? We discussed how sometimes freedom of speech can be considered bullying. We looked at examples like SNL (Saturday night live) vs racial slurs and jokes.  Students reflected on their jokes and how they will try to be more aware of their audience and promote a community where hate speech is not tolerable.

In engagement center many of the students are caught up with their school work and are going into finals with excellent grades. Today, students used the day to relax and to participate

in a chess tournament. Overall, this was great week!

Engagement center chess tournament 

Homework support days 

Friday, December 2, 2016

November 28th- Dec 2nd

After returning from Thanksgiving break, many students have been preparing for finals. Many of the students have requested extra homework days. YESS students have been diligent about using YESS class time to finish missing assignments, talk to teachers as well as study material from earlier in the semester.

Also this week, some students needed a little extra inspiration. We watched a classic empowerment film called, "Stand and Deliver". This movie is about Jamie Escalante, a Chicano educator who takes a class of students with a 3rd grade math level and teaches them the skills it will take to pass the AP calculus exam their senior year of high school.

I love showing this movie to students because this movie shows the struggles each student has and how they didn't let problems get in the way of them from achieving their goals. This movie shows that even if you are behind, you can still make it!

Overall, we had a great week back from Thanksgiving break!

Friday, November 18, 2016

November 14th- 18th

Mentors checking grades 
This week students focused on learning about Marijuana and the laws in Colorado that revolve around marijuana.  Students discussed what they know and what they heard, then we discussed the truth about laws, and how marijuana effects the human body.

Also this week mentors assisted mentees and making a game plan on how they can effectively tackle their F grades after thanksgiving. Students will now have homework support twice a week until finals week. Hopefully students can get more work turned in for their core classes. 

Our mentor leaders here at North are doing an awesome job of tracking grades, making reports special for students that contains all of their missing assignments on one sheet, as well as made parent phone calls this week to students that have missed many classes or are missing a good amount of work.
mentor looking for his mentee 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

November 7th- 11th

This week was a busy week in the YESS classroom. We have are continuing the drug unit and students are to  research a drug, how it affects the body, death statistics, as well as create a poster, and present it to the class. On Monday students began their research. On Tuesday students continued researching their drug as well as put together their posters. Wednesday and Thursday were homework days as always. On Friday we will begin to do presentations.

On Tuesday many students were upset because of the outcome of the election. One student didn't come to school because he wanted to finish his DACA application. He is unsure if  DACA will still be around come Spring time. I let students express how they felt. We talked about how we need to stand together to protect each other. We talked about how now, it is even more important to earn good grades and earn degrees, and to become doctors, lawyers, teachers, and engineers. I insured students that I love them, and that I am here for them. Tuesday's discussion was tough because there were lots of emotions expressed. Something all students agreed on is that bigotry is not a democratic value. They will continue to demonstrate leadership and perseverance at school, at home, and in their communities.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Oct 31- Nov 4th

This week students began a unit on drugs. Students will learn specifically how drugs affect the pre-frontal cortex, limbic system, and other parts of the brain. Students learned this week how the teenage brain has more changes than a brain of a 3 year old and the brain of a 30 year old.  As we began  this unit I asked students what they knew already and if they had learned this in a health class or else where. Many students shared why they will never do drugs. Some reasons included:  "I have seen what drugs can do to a family, and I never want my family to go through this" . I am happy to see students willing to discuss drugs and their impact as well as family stories. I am very happy to see how students are trusting one another with with sharing family stories. We will continue to talk about drugs next week followed by in depth research of the human brain.

Also this week Emily, YESS college navigator came to North to help students apply for scholarships and even apply to college. I am very excited to see many of our seniors getting accepted into colleges.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October 24th - October 25th

This week was a short week here at North. This week we discussed fear for two days. We discussed our own fears, as well as how our fears hold us back and keep us from achieving our goals or taking us outside our comfort zone.  On the last day of discussing our fears, students were given a quote about fear and had to act out what this quote means.  Overall this was a fun but short week!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Oct 17th- Oct 21st

This week students reflected on Domestic Violence Awareness Month by discussing what do healthy relationships look like, as well as how to identify the cycle of abuse in their relationships.  As we talked about signs that a relationship is in the cycle of abuse, students began to  domestic violence and why it is important to talk about, as well as why it is important to seek help if these unhealthy signs are becoming prevalent in their relationships.

On Tuesday the mentor leaders co-taught a college lesson with our college navigator, Emily. Students did a true or false on financial aid quiz, as well as played a BINGO game of finding student who were interested in a STEM degree, applied to college, or have visited a college campus this year.

We will end the week by discussing FEAR. Overall we had another successful week here at North!

Leonel, Mentor leader giving Fatuma her mentee's grades 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

October 10th- 14th

This week the students in YESS discussed Trust. Why is trust important? Who do you trust and why? And who trusts you? We discussed the building blocks of trust and how this is fundamental in healthy relationships, especially mentorships.

We also did a powerful lesson called "The Power of Choosing Your Thoughts". This lesson is about making positive choices and how we can learn from the negative choices we have made in life.

During the week we had a wonderful visit from the YESS College Navigator, Emily. She was able to help students get started on their common application, as well as prepare a personal essay.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

October 3rd- 7th

This week the mentors had mentor training. Mentors discussed ways to talk to mentees so that mentees can fill more supported, as well as discussed ways to earn their mentee's trust.  Mentor training will happen on the first Monday of each month. During this time the mentors can discuss problems or issues they may have with their mentee as well as learn tools that will help their mentee be successful.

This week the students learned what their hot buttons are, and ways they can use their hot button to empower themselves. Students reflected on what makes them angry or upset, and how can they better handle the situation next time someone is trying to push their hot buttons.

This was the first week that mentor leaders taught class. It was amazing to see mentors asking mentor leaders for help and advice. Overall, this was another successful week in YESS!

Mentor leaders teaching the class about "Hot Buttons". 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

September 26th- September 30th

This week students finished making their vision boards and presented their vision boards to their classmates.  Students visioned three short term goals, three long term goals, travel goals, family goals, and education and self cultivation goals.

Finally, the students used Wednesday and Thursday to collect missing work for other classes. On Friday we will  finish up our goal setting unit by discussing personal values.

This week was also the first mentor leader meeting. I am very impressed by this year's mentor leaders, I believe  Guadalupe, Leonel, Ismerai, and Hannah will be positive leaders helping those who are struggling academically succeed and overcome any obstacle they may face this year!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Sept 19th- Sept 23rd

Another week down and students are connecting with one another in the YESS classroom more and more. This week students discussed Diversity. We discussed how important it is to recognize our differences and how we can learn from those differences. Each student made a puzzle piece and decorated it with their: ethnicity, nationality, cultural upbringing, hobbies and interests, and anything else they wanted to add to it.  As we finished the puzzle pieces students connected them to one another. We will have the diversity puzzle pieces hanging in the classroom all year long so that we can always remember that even though we are different, we can still connect on those differences and learn from one another.  The students enjoyed this because we all shared stories of growing up, foods we ate growing up, and memories we have that are culturally influenced.  To finish the week, students began planning and creating their vision boards. I like to do this at the beginning of the year so that students can remember what their goals are and why it is important to complete all of their school work on time.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Sept 12th - 16th

This week is homecoming week. Students are full of school pride and are staying engaged in the classroom. This week Students discussed "Unwritten Rules of life." This lesson relates to respect and manners. As we discussed respect, we also discussed cultural differences. This tied in to our Tuesday lesson which was, "Culture 101".  We discussed how we culturally identify, why and how culture is established everywhere, even in fast food restaurants, and how can we establish our own YESS classroom culture. On Wednesday and Thursday students used the time to talk to teachers, work on missing work, and help others in the class with their school work. When students are finished they are allowed to play games and get to know one another. Overall, this was a fun and productive week.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sept 6th- Sept 9th

This week the YESS students created a goal with 5 steps that it  will take to achieve that goal this year.  This was our hand contract this school year. Many students had goals that ranged from, attending class on time, to graduating this school year. Some of the steps it will take to achieve these goals included: asking for help, talking to teachers, asking mentors for help, and make time for homework.  We have posted thee goals in the classroom so that we can see them every day.

This week our YESS college navigator came in to talk to students about her role in helping seniors find successful paths after high school. She talked to the students about college and other post-secondary options.

Next week students will be selecting their mentees and mentors.

Friday, September 2, 2016

August 29th- Sept 2nd

This week was our second week of school. The YESS program here at North is still in the phase of adjusting schedules. Students are getting to know one another, as well as build a relationship with me since their relationship with Sarah was so strong. 
As we begin the school year it is important for us to establish classroom guidelines and expectations. This year I used the "Build a community" activity to discuss behaviors and community rules they wished they had in their community. Students were grouped with one another and expected to build an ideal community. The students created rules in the community that people should follow. Some of the rules included:
  • Respect one another
  • Need to future plan and goal set (future planning)
  • Take care of one another 
  • No Hate 
  • No Racism
  • No Violence
We talked about the importance of these rules in our community and why these rules should be implemented in our classroom community. So we elaborated on these rules and how they tie in with class. For example, respecting one another also means no cell phones, we need to be respectful of whom ever is talking, this means giving the person talking our full attention. No hate- also means we agree to disagree. 

The students enjoyed this activity in bringing class rules and expectation to the classroom. Students also enjoyed expressing their opinions on what is important  to them in having a better environment. 
Overall, this was a fun week!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

August 22nd- 26th

This week was our first week together here at North High School. This week the students and I did a few ice breakers and team building activites.  The students really enjoyed the "People Bingo Activity". On the first day of school the students were shy and quiet. However, after the bingo activity the students were talking more and interacting with one another.

This week we also talked about "Inspiration". We discussed the people in our lives who have inspired us, how they have inspired us, and how we can use this year to inspire others. The students took some time to think about their younger cousins, siblings, neighbors, and peers who can and will be inspired by them.

Finally, We talked about "needs. " What do we need from the program manager to be successful, what do we need from classmates to be successful, and what do we think all students need in order to be successful?  Each class came up with a list of needs that they would like for the school year. Overall, this was a successful first week here at North!