Thursday, April 13, 2017

4/10/17- 4/14/17

Students in YESS mentoring have been working diligently on the YESS curriculum. Last week we discussed stereotypes and labels. We discussed situations where we have been stereotyped or labeled, and how it made us feel. After students discussed this last week, students came up with the idea to express who they are through art. Students spent some time catching up on missing work while also working on self-portraits. Students presented who they are beyond stereotypes and beyond labels.

Also this week, we finished our nutrition lessons and discussed  how we continue to put our health first based on the research that was done during nutrition 101. Many students expressed how hard it is to eat healthy because they live in a food desert, a location where there are no grocery stores. Students also mentioned why eating healthy is hard. One student said, " I get 20 dollars a week, so I can only spend 5 dollars each day on lunch. Salads cost more than burgers or fries, so I have to budget what I can afford into my lunch." Some students made suggestions of packing lunch from home, but some students argued that the food at home is not healthy either because of money. This was eye opening because it can be easy to make suggestion and tell students to eat healthy, however everyone's circumstances are different. Healthy food costs more money than fatty foods, and at a young age, it is very hard for students to control what goes into their bodies. Students made plans on walking more and being more active during the day.

Overall this was a great week in YESS at North. Students were able to create a work of art that demonstrates who they are, as well as learned more about how to care for themselves, not just emotionally, but physically.

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