Friday, April 7, 2017

April 3rd- April 7th

This week students returned to North after a week of Spring Break. Students came back ready to work. this week students returned ready to talk about food and feelings. We discussed food and the impact these foods will have on our bodies and minds. Student then had a long discussion about food and emotional eating. Many said that sometimes when they study they eat so that they can stay awake. Some said they eat just because they are bored or sad.

The next lesson we did this week was "Labels and Stereotypes." We defined labels, stereotypes, and microagressions. Students discussed times they were stereotyped, labeled, or judged. Student then shared who they were. Some answers varied but one that stood out to me came from Mary. She said, "Some people would think that I am uneducated and in a gang. But I love school and care about my education. I am smart!" .

This week Emily came to help students apply for a summer job opportunity as well as remind students about their Always Up scholarships.

35 days of school left! 

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